26 de noviembre de 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-10

En esta revista de modelismo se encuentra un artículo referido la IAI Kfir (Lion Cub), además de planos y esquemas sobre el mismo.

The main parts of the kit arc presented in grey plastic The engine interior and various other detail parts come in white metal. A length of strut is also provided along, with a short section of rod. The quality of the plastic parts is good. The plastic is fairly soft but easy to work. The detail on the wing-mounted radiators is particularly impressive. The trailing edges of the wings are also well defined and commendably thin. This is a limited run kit and the modeller will need to deal with the thick sprue gates that are associated with this type of kit. Care needs to be taken when removing the parts from the sprues and a sturdy modelling knife or cutters are to be recommended. The plastic parts are relatively flash tree but careful cleaning up is required This is especially true of the smaller parts.
Peso: 52.5 Mb
Formato: PDF
Descarga: http://hotfile.com/dl/62623812/62b4f42/Scale_Aviation_Modeller_International_1999-10.pdf.html


19 de octubre de 2010

Scale Aircraft Modeling 1998-02

Scale Aircraft Modeling 1998-02

THE Yom Kipper war broke out at 2 pm local time on 6 October 1973 but the Israeli armed forces had fought indiscriminate minor conflicts with the Egyptian army across the Suez Canal, the Syrian army along the Golan Heights and Palestinian terrorism along the borders of Jordan, the Lebanon and abroad in a war of attrition that lasted six years from the ending of the Six Day War in 1967. In this conflict the aircraft, weapons and tactics had their origins in that earlier battle but this time the Israelis had to face another setback in that France, their principle arms supplier, had placed an embargo on all military equipment exports to Israel. To overcome this deprivation of the most crucial weapons, the Israeli government laid down a broad spectrum of requirements aimed at making the country self-sufficient by involving Israeli industry wherever possible.
Formato: PDF
Peso: 66,48 Mb
Descarga: http://hotfile.com/dl/75665268/0b92d2f/Scale_Aircraft_Modeling_1998-02.pdf.html o

22 de septiembre de 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller 07 2000 (Mirage 2000)

En esta revista de modelismo se encuentra un artículo sobre el Mirage 2000 y distintos tipos de camuflaje que llevó en su historia.

It is with the ground-attack aircraft of WW1 that on this occasion my interest rests. One of those that stands out is the Halberstadt CL.II; designed to provide a nimble two-seat escort tighter and equal to the Albatros D.Ill it could prove to be a bit of a handful for an Allied pilot to take on. With a fixed forward firing Spandau machine gun (there was talk of two being fitted but it's never been confirmed) and a mounted Parabellum MG on a high gun ring that gave an excellent field of fire. It was well liked by its crews and together with its descendants the CL.IIV and the Hannover CL.IIIa it survived through to the end of the war. I have spoken to a Chelsea Pensioner who had been on the receiving end of this aircraft's activities and he commented on being strafed and grenaded from the air when 'up the line' (i.e. in the trenches), not a pleasant experience.

Formato: PDF
Peso: 50.9 Mb
Descarga: http://hotfile.com/dl/61759465/433388a/Scale_Aviation_Modeller_International_2000-07.pdf.html

10 de septiembre de 2010

Con Dios en el Alma y un Halcón en el Corazón - Comodoro Pablo M. Carballo

Hay relatos sobre las misiones de los Mirage III y de los Daggers entre las demás aeronaves argentinas participantes

"Con Dios en el Alma y un Halcon en el Corazon", es un compendio de "Dios y los Halcones" y "Halcones sobre Malvinas" (ambos del mismo autor).

Relata misiones y anecdotas de los pilotos (contadas por el propio autor y en otras ocasiones por quienes las protagonizaron)

El autor: Comodoro (retirado) Pablo Marcos Rafael Carballo, (en el ´82 tenia el grado de Capitan) piloto de A-4B "Skyhawk", participo en varias misiones contra la flota británica y tiene en su haber el hundimiento y averia de varios buques.
Recibioó la condecoracion por "Heroico Valor en Combate", por su actuacion en el conflicto.

Fomato: PDF
Peso: 844 Kb
Descarga: http://rapidshare.com/files/83060656/LIBRO_COM_CARBALLO.pdf.html o

7 de septiembre de 2010

Arab-israeli Air Wars 1967-1982

La guerra aérea durante las guerras entre Israel y los países árabes que lo enfrentaron. Se encuentra el Mirage III, el Nesher y el Kfir

Egypt was finally ready to resume hostilities along the Suez Canal on 8 March 1969 with a massive artillery attack. Though it was definitely not known at the time, this was the first day of the Attrition War, a long static war along the Suez Canal that lasted until August 1970. Although an Israeli Air Force Mirage pilot managed to shoot down an Egyptian Air Force MiG-21 on 8 March, the next day an Israeli Dornier 27 observation aircraft was shot down by an Egyptian SA-2. The first phase of the Attrition War lasted until July 1969 and during this stage the Israeli Air Force attack force was not used on the Egyptian front mainly due to fear of escalation. Attacks on Jordan continued throughout that period and on 22 April 1969 an Israeli Vautour was lost when a Jordanian radar station that monitored Israeli Air Force activity was attacked. Israeli heliborne commando raids into Egypt also continued and inflicted material damage, although it was really a question of prestige with no real effect on the frontline where Egypt still had the upper hand.

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Peso: 22.94 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/bqa4ohczr

Argentine Air Force in The Falklands Conflict

Warbirds Illustrated 045 relata la actuación de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina en Malvinas desde el punto de vista inglés.

In terms of tactics, Argentine aviators were lacking somewhat compared to the standards practised by their British counterparts, and some of their losses could doubtless havc been avoided had there been some kind of mutual support. The 1 May air battle, in which two Mirage IIIEA interceptors were lost to a pair of Sea Harriers, clearly showed their inability to wrest air superiority from the very effective V/STOL interceptors, a problem aggravated by the aircraft's lack of range. In a sense, however, what was lacking in tactics was in large measure made good by courage and determination. Transport and helicopter pilots also deserve mention, especially the C-130 Hercules crews, who made man daring resupply flights to Port Stanley as well as carrying out some highly dangerous surveillance sorties. Most of the aircrews from the three services got notice of the landings during the early hours of 2 April. They were ill-prepared for the kind of conflict that ensued, having directed their training towards possible hostilities with Chile arising out of the longstanding dispute over the sovereignty of the Beagle Channel.

Formato: PDF
Peso: 21.85 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/mszz9s2md

6 de septiembre de 2010

Aviones de Guerra 14

En esta edición de la Revista Aviones de Guerra se encuentra un artículo altamente informativo sobre el Mirage III


Zona de Guerra: Vietnam- Persecución sobre Kep
Archivo de Datos: Mirage III, el Delta Desafiante
Aviones de Hoy: Bech 99; Bech 200; Bel 47; Bell 204/Uh-1H

Descarga: http://www.4shared.com/document/PEUXFpDZ/Aviones_de_Guerra_Nro_014_-_Mi.html

Aviones argentinos

Compilado de notas de la revista Fuerza Aérea sobre aviones que estan/estuvieron en servicio en la FAA, COAN y AEA. Entre ellos se encuentran el Mirage III y los Dagger/Finger.


El Northrop 8A-2 en la Aviación Militar Argentina
Entrevista con el Dr Marino, alias “Mr Meteor”
Poder Aéreo Estrategico en Argentina (Avro Lancaster y Lincol) (Partes I, II y II)
Los Gloster Meteor en Argentina – El Inicio de la Era del Reactor (Partes I y II)
Escuadrilla Acrobática Cruz del Sur
Los Sabre en Argentina (Partes I y II)
Halcones sobre Malvinas (Partes I y V)
El A-4Q Skyhawk en la Aviación Naval Argentina
A-4AR, Nuevos Halcones para la Fuerza Aérea Argentina
Defensa de las Pampas, 31 años de Mirage III en la Argentina
De Nesher a Finger, La Fabulosa Historia de los Mirage 5 Israelíes (Parte I)
El IAI Dagger en el Conflicto del Atlántico Sur (Parte I)
Los Mirage IIIB/C en Argentina
Lamina Fuerza Aérea Nro 16
Mohawk sobre las Pampas
10 Años de Mohawk en Argentina
Corsarios en Argentina (Parte I y II)

Formato: PDF
Peso: 109 Mb
Descarga: http://www.4shared.com/document/wp1cXmai/Aviones_Argentinos_-_Rev_Fuerz.html

Air War in the Falklands 1982

Este libro de Christopher Chant narra la guerra aérea en Malvinas desde el punto de vista inglés.

Formato: PDF
Peso: 11 Mb
Descarga: http://rapidshare.com/files/258919279/Air_War_in_the_Falklands_1982_-_Osprey_Combat_Aircraft_N_28.pdf

5 de septiembre de 2010

Battle for the Falklands. Air Forces

Libro sobre la guerra aérea en Malvinas.

At the outset, the tasks facing the Argentine air arms were rapidly to reinforce their island garrison; to prevent British shipping approaching the Falklands; to base close support aircraft and helicopters on the islands to oppose possible landings; and to safeguard Argentine cities, ports, and military installations against air attack. For Britain, the corresponding tasks were to establish an air bridge between the UK and the staging post of Wideawakeairbaseon Ascension Island (and later, on a smaller scale, from Wideawake to the Task Force); to safeguard Ascension against a possible Entebbe-style attack; to provide ASW (antisubmarine warfare) cover, and later air defence, for the Task Force against attacks expected both from Argentine land bases and from the carrier Veinticinco de Mayo; to support amphibious landings and subsequent ground action on the Falklands; and also to maintain a credible threat of strikes against Argentina, to pin down at least part of their Mirage interceptor force in domestic air defence duties. Argentina had spent freely in the late 1970s to expand her armed forces in the expectation of a war with Chile over control of the Beagle Channel. That dispute had been patched over, leaving the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Argentina: FAA) one of the strongest in Latin America, well equipped with combat aircraft, and with vast stocks of bombs, rockets, and ammunition. Due to internal security problems, the FAA was also strong in COIN (counter-insurgency) aircraft, with approximately 60 IA.58 Pucava ground-attack aircraft delivered out of the 100 on order. However, the service was not a well-balanced force in terms of equipment, having only seven C-130E/H Hercules transport aircraft, and two KC-130H tankers.

Formato: PDF
Descarga: http://kewlshare.com/dl/8730b4a9c09e/Battle_for_The_Falklands__3__Air_Forces.pdf.html

Enciclopedia Ilustrada de la Aviación 56 (Kfir)

Historia de la Aviacion

Guerra en el Mediterraneo, capitulo 5º: Victoria en El Alamein

Grandes Aviones del Mundo
IAI Kfir: el leon del desierto.

A-Z de la Aviacion
Cessna Modelo 188 - Cessna Modelo 425

Formato: PDF
Peso: 25.9 Mb
Descarga: http://www.4shared.com/document/zbQIYrxx/EA056.html

3 de septiembre de 2010

Wing Masters 14

L'ARMÉE DE L'AIR   Dentro de la revista se encuentran notas sobre el Mirage 2000

Idioma: Francés
Formato: PDF
Peso: 76.55 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/rxd3xdbbo

The Mirage IIIC

From Mirage to Kfir Part 1

Began opertion at the end of November 1976 with Nesher aircraft at Eitam AFB, with Maj. Uri Even-Nir as the first squadron commander. The Neshers were operated until 1979, when they were phased out of IAF service and sold to Argentina. The squadron then started to "collect" all the remaining Shahaks, with the exception of the photo-reconnaissance aircraft Nos. 98 and 99, which continued to serve in 101 squadron. The last Shahaks were finally phased out of service in June 1982, and were also sold to Argentina. The squadron was then temporarily shut clown. When Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, as convened in the peace agreement between the two countries, a new base was built near Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev, known as Ramon AFB. The Negev squadron started there its new career with F-16A/B Netz.

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Peso: 26.77 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/vb43vy9nv  o

IAI Kfir - Monografie 27

Libro en polaco sobre el Kfir

Formato: PDF

Mirage V - Lock-on 11

Fotos y algo de historia del Mirage V

The Mirage V is powered by this SNECMA ATAR 09 C5 jet engine providing 4300 kg of thrust in military and 6080 kg thrust in full AB (afterburner mode). A heavy duty cart is needed to transfer the engine (which weighs some 1400 kg) from the test stand to the hangar where the engines are refitted. The engine has a 9 stage compressor and a 2 stage turbine. Despite the size of this engine, its performance is somewhat inferior to that of other Mirage fighters such as the MIRAGE III. Maximum speed is some 750 knots below 33000 ft and near MACH2 above that flight level. The fighter viewed from behind with the plastic fuel collector looking completely out of place on an attack aircraft but which keeps the excess fuel (due to fuel expansion in the main wing tanks and the lower central fuselage tank) from being spilled and causing a fire hazardous situation. Mote the drooped wing flap and the "NO STEP" markings on the flap and the aileron. A seven tube LAU 32 B/A rocket launcher firing 2.75 inch rockets can be carried on the larger outer pylon. When tired in the "salvo" mode a rocket is launched every 0,03 seconds. Note the pylon is integrally mounted to the flap activating assembly. The launcher measures 1580mm in length and 245mm in diameter.

Formato: PDF
Peso: 28.13 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/eqhdjb401

Israeli Aircraft in Detail part 2

Libro sobre aeronaves israelíes donde se encuentra el Kfir

F-21A Lion is designation given to 25 IAI Kfir C1+ fighters, that were leased by US Navy and USMC from Israel for dissimilar air combat training. In 1985. US Navy leased 12 Kfir C1 + from Israel for use as dissimilar air combat trainers. Kfir C1+ In US Navy service was assigned designation F-21A. They received Bureau of Aeronautics serial numbers 163298-163309. Twelve F-21A went to VF 43 "Challengers" at Virginian NAS Oceana in 1985, where they were painted in two-tone grey scheme. They were replaced by F-16N in early 1988, and were all returned to Israel in March of 1988. Ahit show 30-mm DEFA guns installed in Israel after gaining combat experience. First real test of DEFA guns on Ahit however was by veteran Mirage ace 'Baban' Dotan, then 109th squadron commander. In 12-May-70 with Ahit No. 03 he scored Syrian MiG-17 kill with 30-mm DEFA gun (then it was reportedly only one DEFA gun installed in No. 03 for initial tests).

Formato: PDF
Peso: 40.08 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/pe8ke0wzs

Mirage III/5/50- Enciclopedia Aviones de Guerra

Compendio de Notas , en castellano, con historia, modelos, corte y poster de los Mirage

Ventidós naciones, entre ellas Epaña, equipan sus fuerzas aéreas con las distintas variantes del Mirage III. El delta de Dassault es reconocido como uno de los más grandes aviones de combate de todos los tiempos, especialmente en misiones de defensa aérea contra intrusos a alta cota.

Formato: PDF
Peso: 11,4 Mb
Descarga: http://rapidshare.com/files/255328135/Mirage_III_5_50.pdf

2 de septiembre de 2010

Fuerza Aérea Argentina 09 - IAI Dagger

Parte 1 (1978-1982)

Luego de evaluar distintas opciones a mediados de 1978, la Fuerza Aérea decidió la compra de 26 aviones de combate Nesher, de acuerdo al contrato DAG/I firmado el 10 de Agosto de 1978. El monto del contrato ascendía a U$ 109. 192.000,00 y cubría la compra de veinticuatro monoplazas, dos biplazas y una inspección mayor de 600 Hr y trabajos de actualización de sistemas varios. Se contrató también el desarrollo y construcción de un simulador de vuelo. Además se compró equipo de apoyo en tierra y un lote de 50 misiles Shafrir. Para el 28 de Agosto se activó formalmente el Escuadrón Dagger, designando al personal que estaría a cargo de la operación y mantenimiento del nuevo sistema de armas. Todo el proceso de recepción y adaptación debía ejecutarse en el menor tiempo posible y con la máxima reserva. A fin de acelerar el proceso las tripulaciones de vuelo seleccionadas serían adiestradas en distintas unidades. Un grupo de pilotos realizó el curso de instrucción en dependencias de la VIIIo Brigada Aérea(Base Aérea Militar Mariano Moreno) con los Mi-rage IIIEA/DA del Grupo 8 de Caza. Otro grupo partió hacia Chiclayo(Perú) para volar los Mirage 5P/DP del Escuadrón de Caza 611, Finalmente un tercer grupo compuesto de 12 oficiales y 32 suboficiales fue enviado a Israel en Octubre de 1978.

Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/8jpvhyvfp

The Mirage Masters - Dijon

Superbase 19

France occupies the largest landmass of any European country, but although an economic and military world power, it no longer boasts the largest air force in the world as it arguably could at the end of World War 1. But make no mistake, today's Armee del'Air packs a mighty punch. Lying south-east of Paris is the Bourgogne or Burgundy region. Steeped in a tradition of gastronomic excellence, a gazetteer of the area reads like a cross between a fine wines list and good food guide. But Dijon, capital of the area, is more than a stopping off point for lovers of a well stocked table; it is a natural crossroads. To the west, the heartland of France, to the east, a short hop to the borders of Switzerland, Italy and Germany. Dijon was an obvious location for the fledgling Aviation Militaire, as it was then known, to base one of their first aerial observation units in 1912. Two years later an airbase was officially inaugurated in the suburb of Longvic, a couple of miles south of the historic centre of Dijon.

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Peso: 36.52 Mb
Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/hiszvaowy

Israeli Mirage and Nesher Aces

Osprey Aircraft of the Aces

On the evening of 17 October 1973, six lighter pilots arrived at Refidim, in Sinai, to take over responsibility for keeping a force of Nesher fighters on alert at the forward air base. Avraham Salmon, Dror Harish and Gidon Livni were from No 101 Sqn, while Moahe Hertz, Gidon Dror and Ra'anan Yosef were No 113 Sqn pilots. Hertz was the latter unit's senior deputy CO, while Livni was No 101's reconnaissance officer. Yosef was a No 113 Sqn EP (emergency posting) pilot, and Salmon, Harish and Dror were reserve pilots. All seasoned veterans they already boasted a combined score of 22,5 kills. Salmon and Harish were aces, Dror, Hertz and Livni were on their way and young Yosef would probably have joined this elite 'club' had he been in combat longer.

Descarga: http://depositfiles.com/es/files/c6nzacpxl

Fuerza Aerea Especial Nº 14

En este especial de la Revista Fuerza Aérea: Mirage, la primera generación

Deltas Alpinos, los últimos Mirage III europeos
Mirage, la primera generación de una leyenda
Ases israelíes de Mirage y Nesher
Los Mirage IIIE/DA en Argentina
Dassault Mirage 5P, Deltas del Perú
Mirage 5 Mara en la Fuerza Aérea Argentina
Los Mirage IIIB/C/R en Argentina
IAI Kfir: desarrollo, producción (1967 a 1975) y mas allá
Los IAI M5 Dagger/Finger en la FAA
Atlas Cheetah, el ultimo de la primera generación
Mirage III de plástico
Combate en Malvinas
Mirage IIIE "E" por España

Formato: pdf
Tamaño: 28.4 MB

Por calquin24
Descarga: http://www.4shared.com/file/52290190/1e5d8f3c/FUERZA_AEREA-Mirage_primera_generacin.html

Serie Fuerza Aerea Argentina Nº 7

Serie Fuerza Aerea Argentina Nº 7

Dassault Mirage III CJ y III EA

Jorge F. Nuñez Padin


Formato: pdf

Tamaño: 9,7 MB

Biblioteca Virtual

Biblioteca Mirage será un blog desde donde se podrán descargar libros y revistas sobre los aviones en ala delta: Mirage III, Mirage 5, Atlas Cheetah, Kfir, F-21, Mirage VI, Mirage 2000, y todas las variantes de éstos. Espero que les sea de utilidad.
